Alpha Marine Engineering SA was founded in 1986 by Mr. Paul Makris upon his retirement from Hellenic Navy.
Company Focus
The company was and is focused to serve the Greek Merchant Marine, Hellenic Navy and the Petroleum Industry in the best possible way by providing accurate and fast services / information related to the represented by Alpha Marine Engineering manufacturers only.
Services provided to both Principals and Greek customer, are related to:
- New building projects all over the world
- Supply of replacement equipment on existing ships
- Supply of retrofit equipment on existing ships
- Supply of spare parts, for our Principals range only
- Maintenance and service of Vapor Recovery Units.
- Service/inspection/calibration/certification of KSB Seil VRC & O.D.M.E. SS-2000, S-3000, S663 MKIII
- Service /inspection of TEAMTEC Incinerators
- Service for Brunvoll thrusters.
- Calibration/certification of pressure & temperature calibrators.
- UTI Calibration/certification
- VGP Sample collection, filed tests & effluent Analysis
Spare parts and equipment supplied though A.M.E. are always genuine manufactured and guaranteed by the maker as:
- Offer submitted by A.M.E. is the same as if requested from manufacturer.
- Order items are always supplied from makers’ factory.
- Final invoice is issued by the maker and invoice is settled directly to the makers account (not A.M.E.).
By applying above procedure customers are always sure that the spares ordered will be the cheapest genuine spares available in the market and will ensure trouble free operation of the unit.
In order A.M.E. to be able to provide best possible service, A.M.E. has developed, and is continuously upgrading, its own in house software allowing all incoming and outgoing message to be filed / stored as a separate case file and traced either as a part of a customer or maker file or separately.
Company Today
Through the years the company has developed and from a two person company in 1986 is presently a company employing full time 18 persons, mainly engineers, and employs three more persons part time which follow up software, legal and accounting issues.
Alpha Marine Engineering S.A. incorporate the following divisions:
- Alpha Marine Engineering: Focusing on serving the Greek and Cypriot Merchant Marine Fleet as well as Hellenic Navy.
- Vaporec: Focusing on serving the Industrial Sector.
Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility
The company is committed to identify its potential negative impacts (e.g. on the environment) in order to reduce them, as well as define its potential positive impact (e.g. on society) in order to improve it. For this reason, the company adopts responsible policies and deploys transparent governance, environmental and social practices, related to its operations to harmoniously cooperate with its Stakeholders and create mutual long-term value.
Governance: The Company strives to follow the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guiding compass for its governance practices and has highlighted that the main Goals the company can impact through its operations are the following: